Questions about your journey

KEEP POSTING THOSE ACCOUNTABILITIES---i haven't yet begun to start "mushies" but i get some ideas from your postings as to what and "what not" to select.
---i have one quick question---i haven't as yes cut or crushed any of my meds to take... this morning, i had some difficulty taking.... could it be the time of day? or size/shape?

DS on 11/14/12
That is why I take my milk for my breakfast...I have 7 oills to take and 2 are large! I take my small ones one by one and then my gel cap and then the prenatal horse pill! Not all meds can be cut or crushed! be careful and ask the Dr or Pharmacist. If they cannot be done, see if he can switch it to liquid! Just an FYI
1) If you could give a "newbie" any advice...what would it be? research ALL of your options before choosing a surgery and make the best choice for your lifestyle not what your doctor thinks is best for you. You have to live with it not him/her.
2) How did your family react to your decision to have weight loss surgery? My family thought it was an "unnecessary risk", I educated myself and explained my reasoning with them and they came around to supporting me. Now after surgery, seeing that I can eat like a normal person, that I am healthy and losing weight they are overwhelmingly happy. I have an Aunt that even cried tears of joy when she saw me, made me cry too.
3) What is one thing about you that no one else knows? I really am insecure about how I look and I hope that in time that will go away.
2) How did your family react to your decision to have weight loss surgery? My family thought it was an "unnecessary risk", I educated myself and explained my reasoning with them and they came around to supporting me. Now after surgery, seeing that I can eat like a normal person, that I am healthy and losing weight they are overwhelmingly happy. I have an Aunt that even cried tears of joy when she saw me, made me cry too.
3) What is one thing about you that no one else knows? I really am insecure about how I look and I hope that in time that will go away.
I owed it to myself to research the duodenal switch before consenting to any other weight loss surgery and so do you. Check out and for more information. Remember think twice, cut once, revisions are risky and revision surgeons are rare.
DS Lab Rats
DS Lab Rats