Run down of first app !
Well I went to my app. today and met with the dietitian, behavioral specialist and nurse. Filled out papers went over RNY bypass. Weighed me and took my height. 326.5 and lil over 5'6 no shoes on.
The nurse thinks things should go by pretty fast for me. She thinks the insurance will be very easy to work with and they don't require a 6 month diet and since I hvae weigh****cher records then it shouldn't be a problem. And I'm over the BMI of 35 and have high blood pressure. I will have to attend a weight loss class and do a 2 week diet before surgery to try and shrink liver. I also have to have a scope ran down in my stomache and a gallbladder ultra sound to see if theres stones or not. If there happens to be stone then I gotta have it removed. I also have to have a current pap . My app is tom ! I have also had my required lab work done. I did that today since I hadn't eaten anything. They told me after the dr looks over every thing he will decide if i have to have a stress test. If things go smoothly I may get to have surgery in Oct. right around my son's fall break !!!!!!!!
So I'm hoping things will be scheduled quickly.
I took my measurments today as well (myself)
Neck 17
Bust 51.5
Belly 62.5
Waist 53
Hips 63
Left Thigh 30
Right Thigh 28
Left Calf 19
Right Calf 19
Left Arm 16
Right Arm 15
Remember anything you wanna know just ask, if I can help you I will. you can also check out more weight loss pics on myspace. I am greeneyesfromky, lol, go figure