loading up?

thanks, cathy

DS on 11/14/12
Cathy...I took a book, lotion, lip balm and my pillow!!!!! It was almost like a c-section as far as needing to hold that abdomen still! I also had some butterfly bandaids to help hold the incisions after your steri strips come off! They work well in the shower yet allow air and Neosporin to be applied without taking them off everytime! Good Luck!!!!
I didn't need a whole lot, didn't feel like reading even though I took a book, I wore the hospital gowns, mainly because my incision broke loose once and poured the blood, etc,
2 things I wish I had of took, was a bigger pair of pants, where my tummy was swelled, and gas-x strips, other than that I didn't need much, some shampoo, stuff like that
2 things I wish I had of took, was a bigger pair of pants, where my tummy was swelled, and gas-x strips, other than that I didn't need much, some shampoo, stuff like that