I'm New Here in Louisville
Hey, everyone! I have been reading your messages for a month or so and thought I would introduce myself. My name is Dana and I live in Louisville and I am planning on having lap band done in January or February of next year. I have started my 6 month diet already. Me and my hubby are planning on attending the support group at Suburban on the 24th. I was told the topic was going to be family support and that some people who have had lap band and their spouses will be talking about how important it is to have family support. I started talking to my Mom a couple of months ago about having this done and now she has decided to have it done. She has Medicare and doesn't have to do the 6 month diet. She has an appt. with Dr. Shina on the 22nd. So if she likes him, I will be sticking with him too. I have about 100 lbs. to lose and can't wait. My feet, ankles and legs hurt so bad now and my energy level is nothing. Glad to be here and thanks for all the info! Dana
Hi Dana. Welcome to the boards... Im not sure what the topic is at the suburban meeting but I may be there.. If I can find out what the subject is I will let you know. There are a group of us that go to both of the meetings and we post on a accountability post here everyday... I suggest that you email SandyR, at
and read her lapban guide,. Its a excellent source of information and will help you get in touch with your body before you get your band,, I learned alot from it. Hang in there on the six month diet.. I hated that weight more than anything!!!! Some advice I have for you, is get started on finding a protein drink you like.. It's very important for the first three or four weeks after your surgery that you like your protein powder!!!
If you have any questions let me know!!
First 80.5 pounds lost with 3cc's in a 14 ccband now at 7cc's in 14cc band
The one downtown is taste testing protein supplements...might be a good one for all the people waiting to come to and try out stuff! Just an FYI! I still have yet to find a drink I like!
At the meeting last week someone told me both the August meetings were going to be protein taste testing. The remaining July meeting at Suburban is to be about our personal support networks. Not sure if it was Casey (the dietician) that told me that or another participant we all talked with right at the end (I'm bad with names but she was a Dr. Rod patient though and I can picture her in my head).
I'll be at the meeting on the 24th. Hopefully childfree (the little one!!) since she's getting restless with the meetings.
I wll definitely be at the 24th meeting at Suburban but the other meetings are on nights I have the kiddos and don't want to bring them. Are they on the 2nd Tuesday and last Thursday of the month always? I would really like to do the taste testing of the protein drinks. Just in case I don't make it, what is your favorite protein drink? How else do you get your protein in? I am having trouble coming up with what I will be eating. Thanks.