Anyone know of support group that meets during the day?
I am a SAHM and my DH works ALOT! It would be great to find a group that meets during the day. It seems that even though I plan to attend a group something always happens to prevent it!! AARRGGHH!!! If anyone knows of (or wants to start) a group that meets during the day please pass the info on.....
"Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life."
--Foster McClellan
DS on 11/14/12
Hi CamiJo...we try to meet outside of the structured meeting once in awhile...maybe you could come? We almost all work or have daily activities so we had the last one on a Sunday afternoon. It gives us a chance to talk amongst ourselves about stuff we don't get to at the meetings. We are trying to get one set up now! Would love for you or anyone else new to join us!
Hey, you hot, wild, sexy thing you! hehe yanno who I am yet? The Kentuckiana Area DSers meet once a month during the day on the weekend and we would love, love, love to have you! Actually you can take me to lunch anytime you want to.
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DS Lab Rats
DS Lab Rats