Moving To Kentucky
Just accepted a position at Baptist Regional Hospital in Corbin, Kentucky and will be moving the wife and I there sometime in August. I am a open gastric bypass patient one year out. Moving from Northern Virginia looking to get away from two hour commutes to work and having no life outside of my job. I know that the Corbin area does not have a bariatric surgeon so I am open to suggestions for you folks as to who I should see.
Hi and welcome to Kentucky!!
You've picked a beautiful part of the state to live in I might add!
Although I've spent some time in that area of the state I'm not sure of all the options you might have as far as bariatrics go. As a suggestion though, I would like to throw out Drs. Oldham and Weiss who are in the Lexington area (about an hour north on I-75 from Corbin) to consider. You might also want to put out the message to the TN board as well since it's just about as far to Knoxville which I would assume is large enough to support a bariatric center.
Good luck to you in your search and once again, WELCOME!!!!
Congrats on the new job & the move. It shouldnt take long for you guys to get used to your new surroundings, I lived in the London/corbin area for several years. I also have many friends & family employed at BRMC. Im sure you'll find it a great place to work. As far as a surgeon goes, I too would suggest Lexington or Georgetown.
Hope all goes well for you in the future.