Enjoyed Support Grp and seeing new faces seen on OH

DS on 11/14/12
I cannot believe I ran my mouth so much! I am actually a shy quiet person....I think the band has secured my stomach but made my mouth run wild and self esteem lose! I cannot help but cry (for joy...) that I have found you guys and this group. I take things to heart and this journey especially. After all the encouragement and advice you all have given me, I feel like I should give it in return...wanted or not! Yes Becca....We defintely ROCK! :)
Hey Leanne..
I just wanted to let you know if you ever want someone else to go with you to help support you I would be more than happy to go down to Louisville with you. I can even do some of the driving (if it didn't scare ya too bad the other day LOL) if that helps. Just let me know. :) I am sure that I could probally get something out of the meetings as well, especially as bad as I've been struggling lately.
DS on 11/14/12
Great!...But I will drive okay! lol
I am just weird about other people driving. Did you see my flooring that imaginary brake? I am just so paranoid (too many accidents-only me driving in one) My kids could not believe I rode with anyone...especially someone I had not met! Yes...I am that bad!
I only go to the downtown meetings and they are on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00. There is another meeting at Suburban that meets the fourth Thurday...same time. Correct me if I am wrong ladies!!! I do not go to that one. I am getting better at finding my way around town and am just not comfortable venturing out into the rest of Louisville yet. My friend is having an art exhibition opening there in a couple weeks and I am going to that, but Dale has to drive to that.
Again...glad to see ya on here!