Support group in Bowling Green?
IWe just moved to the Bowling Green area last week, still getting settled in. This was an unexpected move for us (dh relocated to a new job, moved in less then 3 weeks). I'm hoping to hear of a doc in the area that would likely take me on. I had surgery in KS, 7/13/06. No problems to date but I need to get with a new doc to stay up to date on my labs and such.
Also, I would love to hear about any support groups in the area.
Any and all info would be greatly appreciated.
Triple C
P.S. I will be checking back to this post when I can. We are currently on a very weak wifi connection, still waiting on our internet connection date....Thanks!
I'm going to be moving back to the bowling green area in a few weeks (from fl) and looking for a surgeon who will also take Medicaid! I am desperate to have WLS. I've tried finding some people in the area and so far have had no luck. I just wanted to tell you welcome to the BG and maybe we can keep in touch!
I'm going to be moving back to the bowling green area in a few weeks (from fl) and looking for a surgeon who will also take Medicaid! I am desperate to have WLS. I've tried finding some people in the area and so far have had no luck. I just wanted to tell you welcome to the BG and maybe we can keep in touch!