what kind of meds can i take?
I had r n y in Feb. and I still have back problems that flair up every now and then. I have hydrocodone that I can take, but is there any kind of muscle relaxers I can take, I can hardly walk through the house. I have some skelaxin from before my surgery and some flexeril. does anyone know if I could take either one of these? I am going to the dr. tomorrow but am in alot of pain tonight.
I'm not sure about the differences in our surgeries and if there are differences in this type of med between the two BUT my husband and I (both banded) have taken skelaxin, flexeril and a new one called Soma.....lol....not at the same time though!!
I feel for you with the back problems! I have had 2 disks removed, spurring in the lumbar area and residual chronic sciatic nerve damage......I still take my NSAIDS with the surgeons knowledge but I'd be hobbled otherwise......I'm hoping a new GOOD alternative anti-inflamatory comes down the pike SOON before my tummy starts to complain!
thanks for all the info I took some pain meds early this evening and it eased off a little, went to a pool party and just kinda stayed in the water a little bit, it felt good, but now back home, it has started killing me again, and I got dizzy, may be from the pain meds, so I am gonna try a flexiril and go to bed. I cant even sit here on the computer and do anything I hurt so bad, i think it is the sciatic nerve, it runs down my right hip all the way down past my knee, So i am gonna take something and go to bed, thanks again to all of you. I don't know what I would do without all my online friends., lisa
Well I went to the dr. today for my back and leg pain, and I ended up getting a steroid shot, clinoril200mg, and robaxin 750 mg. I am feeling better, just kinda stiff, told me to use a heating pad and stetch, lol, i stretched out on the couch after taking the meds.
I am feeling better, mainly stiff right now. maybe I will be alot better in a day or two, thanks for all the info, my dr. knew i had the rny, so maybe they won't tear me up.
My mom has severe back problems and has had her spine fused multiple times.
Her doctor put her on Baclofen and it works wonders for her. She's not a RNY patient BUT she was practically crippled from it and walking with a cane or walker and it has worked sooooo well. It's not a pain reliever it's a muscle relaxer and it's used to treat severe pain from spinal cord injuries. It isn't an NSAID.
thank you, I have been reading about clinoril, and I don't think I should take it at all, I am going back to my surgeon in August, so I am going to get him to give me something, the steroid shot has seemed to help some, but I am having pain again this morning. go figure. thanks for the info I am going to check it out!!! , Lisa