HOw many times?
Dr. Shina was my surgeon & I too only saw him for a brief few minutes after a group seminar. The morning of the surgery was the next time I saw him which was only for a minute as well. I went back to my 2 week post-op appt & only saw him for a few minutes also. I have dealth with his office more than with him but at least I know he is available 24-7 if I need something.

DS on 11/14/12
Sandi....I too am a Dr Allen patient. Yes...that is all you will see him until the day of surgery, Even then it will only be briefly! He is good...and very much in demand. Please come to the meeting if you can on July is downtown at 6:00! I know I am going to be sure to make them from now on. I have been to a couple and feel so much better afterwards! We just had a get together this past Sunday in Louisville and had a blast. I got so much information and compared alot of notes! I hope that you can attend the next one! We had alot of fun!
I only saw Dr. Larson once when I had my surgery back in the Fall. My husband also only saw him once for his surgery in April. However, the policy has recently changed. You now see him 2 times prior to surgery. I know this because my father will be having his band surgery tomorrow with Larson and he had to go through twice (and he was told that this is now policy). Given that Allen and Larson are in the same surgical group I'm not sure why they do it differently. I've also been told that Larson will be moving down to the 2nd floor with the other bariatric docs sometime in July. This is a good thing since I always feel like a red-headed stepchild when I have to go to the 7th floor for my appointments but go to the 2nd floor for billing issues.
You might want to call LaDonna and ask if this is a new policy for all the docs and you just got the wrong info.