Self Pay for Lap Band in Louisville
Hi Amy,
My husband and I were both self-pay for our lapbands. We used the Norton's Bariatric group and selected Dr. Larson as our surgeon. He's also done my mother's band 3+ years ago and will do my father's on this Thursday!! Needless to say we kinda like him!
I believe our costs topped out at about $16,400 a piece. ( much for having equity on our house!!) That includes 90 days post op coverage and the first 4 fills. All fills after that are $100.
We considered the Mexico option for the hubby but to find a band doctor to follow you locally is a bit difficult when they weren't the one to do the surgery. The group of MD's that my doc is a part of charges $1000 up front for transfer patients!!
There may be cheaper options locally but I'm not aware of them. I know the group of surgeons over at Saints Mary and Elizabeth charge more. I've been told they are starting a program at Baptist East but don't know anything about it.
Good luck on your research!

Thank you for your help. I have contacted my insurance, and though they will pay for the surgery, I have to have medical documentation of being morbid obesity for at least 5 years. I have been in the severely obese category for longer than that, but not morbidly. I do have acid reflux and am on medication for it, and have high cholesterol...also joint pain, but have not been diagnosed with arthritis. I don't know whether to try to go ahead with the insurance, or just plan on self pay? I will have to have the 6 month diet before proceeding with the insurance, but don't want to be out the money for the diet if they're just going to turn me down. Any advice? Thanks again!