Diets before surgery?
I had to do a 2 week no carb no sugar diet for my surgeon & then a 2 day liquid as most do. I didnt have a set amount I had to lose though, some people Ive talked to with the same surgeon didnt have any diet & some had specific amounts they had to lose. I think some of it has to do with your weight.
I was unsure of gastric or lapband....lapband is what I was thinking....when I met the doctor at Vanderbilt, Dr Holzman, he said I needed to lose 10 lbs prior to scheduling prove to myself that I can lose. If I struggle at that, he said probably the gastric would be better. I've been on a low carb, high protein, limited calorie diet for two weeks. Meet with Dr Holzman tomorrow to hopefully schedule surgery!!
Judy in Bowling Green :o)
I am having to do a 6 month diet plan too. I am going back and forth with the same 10 pds. I am trying not loose to much because then my BMI will be very close as well. I have the medical conditions to have it as well I just do not want to give them any reasons to not approve me.
Live,Laugh & Love Everyday because tomorrow is never promised!

Live,Laugh & Love Everyday because tomorrow is never promised!