Moving to Kentucky, hopefully.
Had my Roux-en-Y almost a year ago here in Northern, VA. and have been fairly active on the Virginia Forum.
My company is looking to transfer me to Corbin, KY. Only thing I know about Corbin is what I have found on the web. Anybody on this board from that area? I could use some local information on OH support and general information about Corbin both good and bad, like where best to live, and cost of living, etc. After doing a two hour commute into Washington D.C. every day, I'm look forward to once again living in a rural area. I grew up in South Georgia.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hello there! I lived in the London/Corbin area for about 20 years. Its a nice quiet rural area. Not much in the way of a larger city. There are your basics, Walmart, Kroger etc, no mall...most people go to Lexington which is about 80 miles north. Corbin & London has just started to get some larger resturants due to the fact they are allowed to sell alcohol by the drink. An Applebee's just recently opened and there are some good local 'semi-upscale' places to eat as well. Laurel Lake is there, so if you like the water, it is pretty nice. As far as areas to live, there has been an increase in new subdivisions there but I feel that the London is much nicer. Corbin is unique in the fact that is in the middle of several counties...Laurel Co is where London is located. There arent any weight loss surgeons in the area, most people go to Georgetown Ky, (north of Lexington) I have recently heard that there is a surgeon relocating to London so that is for sure a good thing for that area.
Any questions, please feel free to ask anytime! -Tracy

Thank you Tracy and Jeanie for the information. It does sound like a good place for my wife, Cathy, and I to move to. We will be sending off our third child to college this fall (three in college at once) so we will be empty nesters. I won't miss paying $1500 a month to rent a basic suburbian house or trying to buy a house when the average new home is $400,000 with only a quarter of a acre of land. And driving for four hours a day is killing us with gas as high as it is. I can already hear the tune playing in my head, "take me home country roads*".
* and yes I do know the song is about West Virginia not Kentucky, but you get the point.

Hey welcome to KY. I now live in Northern KY but grew up in Barbourville which is about 15-18 miles past Corbin in Knox county. In Corbin, dont forget Cumberland Falls... 1 of only 2 places in the world with a moon bow. the other is is Australia..... the original Kentucky Fried Chicken resturant and museum is there as well. also in a hours drive you have Knox County with Thomas Walker State Park and the first cabin built by whites in the state, Bell County KY where there are lots of parks and hiking. and Lexington is just up the road. It is very quiet and lots to do there if you like the outdoors and history, not much on excitement and night life. Job market was not very good there when I left in the 80's but it has really grown alot. BEAUTIFUL scenery. hope this helps some.
Thanks Pam, night life for us is usually watching one of our favorite TV shows, "Bones", "House", "Greys Anatomy" or if it's Saturday night maybe British comedies on PBS. The rest of the time it's reading a good book. I'm just looking forward to not having to get up at 4:00 AM to be at work by 7:00 AM and then getting home from work at 8:00 PM just to eat and go to sleep so I can get up and start over again. This schedule has played hell with my weight loss. Too much sitting in a car and then being too exhausted after fighting traffic coming home to get any exercise. I'm ready for life in the slow lane for a change.
Thanks for the help.
