Had a GREAT TIME!!!!!
DS on 11/14/12
Becka...gotta give ya the credit! I had so much fun just getting to talk to everyone and get free mental therapy from you and Dawn! I was so more at ease after so many people shared their trials and tribulations with the weight loss whether it be pre or post surgical! Nancy, Stephanie and Vicki...I wish I could have visited with you a little more.....you all looked great! I told Dale it was kind of awkward to just kind of put myself out there today, but I am sooo glad I did! The information, advice and the friendships I felt like I have made just reaffirmed why I started this. Dale said he could not believe how I just approached people and told them things I had not even confided in him! I had to explain it was because everyone has been there, is getting ready, or in the process of taking a stand against this weight loss issue. I sometimes feel so deflated when I look at myself and see that my goal is to lose 200 pounds. As I watched Becca and Nancy do the bungee jump, I was so proud for them! What a great way to celebrate that goal in their journey! I had to laugh through the tears when Nancy started "posing" her legs...too funny. My kids were not happy when I came home and told them where we had gone...all they knew was Louisville! Guess who will be making another trip there! Great to meet/see everyone.....see at the downtown meeting!...In July!
Lee Ann, I really enjoyed talking to you. I liked today because we really got to talk.. I was shocked when I looked at the clock in my truck.. lol..
Support group is great but you dont get alot of time to ask question or just vent... so Becca you are the best for getting it together!!!
Lee Ann, we are gonna get you on the right page!!! I just put a note on the main lapband board about getting u the lapband guide from sandyr!!
Glad we all got together.. Im off to fold clothes~!!!!!
First 80.5 pounds lost with 3cc's in a 14 ccband now at 7cc's in 14cc band
Aren't these online friendships like oddest things???? LOL.....all us goofballs tend to gravitate to one another!
I had a ball today too!! When I got there I was trying to figure out how to talk my way out of the bungee jump thing but after Amy told me I couldn't especially since she drove from Cincy for it, I just decided "what the heck, If I embarress myself life WILL go on!!
Don't let the speed bumps get ya down! Soon enough you will find the formula that works for you and then watch out! To be truthful, there's a part of my brain that still isn't convinced this whole weight loss thing isn't just another "temporary fix." Maybe time will help beat this thought down but for now it's all still too new to me.
Join us in the daily posts and see how it works for you. I will admit that 90 to 95% of my daily intake makes it to print. If I snag a grape or a chip off Gracie's plate I won't bother to write it down but the posting REALLY does help me keep things in check overall.
Tell Dale thanks for being a great sport! It's really hard to break up a gabfest!

Ditto, DITTO, DITTO!!! I had so much fun, the most I"ve had since we moved here! Me on the bungee thingy! I can't wait to show DH the pix, he still doesn't believe it!!! I loved meeting you and wished we could have talked more so let's all get together again. HUGS to you all, and muchas gracias Becca for making it all happen! Nancy