Don't want to get my hopes up to much..I received letter from Univerity Surgical Associates ..signed by Pre-determination Specialist . The first line of the notice is
"Good news you are approved!" Okay, i am excited and hope this means, YES, my insurance has approved procedure.. i have cardiac stress/echo scheduled. as soon as i get results/clearance completed, i am to contact dr tanner's office for appt for surgery.. should i call the office and make sure everything is a go? Don't want to get my hopes up and then be let down. YEP , I AM A LITTLE MORE THAN MILDLY EXCITED... (My daughter is nurse at kosair's, works in er.. i wanted to call her to share news, but she is at work and i so wanted to share with someone. so i hope you all don't mind that i shared with the forum... i I enjoy reading your comments and/or questions., i have learned a lot from you all sharing your journey(S). again, thanks, my name is Cathy
Hey Cathy, I am going to say that everything is more than likely a go.. regarding your insurance anyway. I think the last part of the "approval" process is getting cleared for the actual surgery itself (as in someone looking at your cardiac stress/echo and saying you're healthy enough for surgery)... I think the insurance is the big battle and you've got that one licked!! I'm really happy for you.. This is a brand new life. Good Luck!!
thanks for response. i am excited and a little apprehensive at the same time..i have thought of this surgery for sometime. definitely decided to follow thru with it in february. prior to then i was not mentally prepared to consider and/or follow thru with wls. i am just tired of going up/down and not really have true weight loss. after you lose and then gain it back sooo many times, you kinda lose confidence in yourself. i started a journey in february and i mean to reach my goal.
getting ready for work and gotta go. thanks again for the best wishes..
Live,Laugh & Love Everyday because tomorrow is never promised!

when i go in for visit, i let her know what i weighed last on my scale...(scale at pcp office does not record weight as high as mine) so we discuss what i weighed last.. what i am doing with my diet. My weight is going up and down. We also discuss how my pursuit for wls is going... she has been very cooperative... getting my records together and setting up vists...encouraging me. She would rather i have RNY with rny weight., for faster weight loss...But i had already decided to proceed with lap-band....the nurse navigators with norton bariatric were very helpful in letting me know what was expected and keeping me informed of what i needed..