I am home after having Surgery last Monday......
Hi all,
Just a quick note to say that I came home last night after having surgery Monday morning. Long story short (will post later in blog all details) I went into the OR at 7:40a.m because the hospital called to say that someone never showed up and they could take me then. I was supposed to get there at 8am, they called at 6am.
I remember asking what time it was when they said just relax, and the OR nurse said 7:49. I was brought into recovery after 1:00 pm. Still not clear on what the heck took so long, needless to say my family probably drove the entire staff crazy with their worry.
After recovery i was moved into ICU until Wednesday afternoon, still not sure why this happened either.
Got to my room Wednesday and I thought I was doing great, of course I still had my "happy pump" until Friday.
Anywho, I kept asking why all these different docs were coming to see me and they just kept saying, oh it's just precaution, OK, PRECAUTION against WHAT???? No strait answers. They stayed on me all the time about not hitting my pump often enough. Even my surgeon who came by 2-3 times a day kept really drilling into me that I needed to hit it more often. At this point I am llike what is going on??? Did something happen in Surgery that you people are not telling me? Oh NO. The surgery was a success.
Well every morning I keep begging to go home and finally Sunday I started crying like a baby to the DR. and he took pity and said I could go home later that night after some follow-up tests...
So all in all, I have yet to experience any nausea, vomiting, etc.... I am still a little sore and had several scripts to have filled and 2 of them are different pain meds. i am thinking a wee bit much but they said take the Dilauted (sp) every four hours on schedule and take the Percocet for any break-through pain??? Kind of weird since I am just really sore but by no means in severe pain.
Why not take as needed? Dr. said absolutely NOT, take every 4 hours!
I look like I went a couple of rounds in a heavyweight prize fight from all my bruises up and down my arms. 9 sticks for the 1st IV....oouucchh
By the weekend they were reduced to drawing all bloods from back of arms and tops of fingers. Still Not sure why they had to take blood every single day and night. On another strange note, when I woke up i had a big red " Transfusion Service" id bracelet on along with regular id bands???
Needless to say i am requesting a copy of all of surgery notes and a copy of my chart.
Do not get me wrong, I trust and adore my Surgeon 150%. He is by far the most compassionate surgeon I have ever met with the most awsome bedside manner.
On a brighter note, The ICU "suite" rocked!!! Flat screen HDTV with built in DVD player. Plus they insisted my husband stay in the room with me. Like they could have got him to leave. He packed a bag too. He checked in with me and never left my side. He never went home once in 6 days!! Showered and shaved every morning in the room.
Oh , one other thing, they would not let me get up or anything until Wednesday night. I thought we were suppose to get up the same night? I cannot really remember anything from surgery until Wednesday because they kept shooting stuff in my IV's n top of the PCA pump. My poor mom thought they were gonna overdose me.
Well, So much for keeping it short...lol
Any ideas of what coulda happened??? Anybody else experience this ????
Talk to you guys soon and thanks for the continued support..
p.s. Thanks Kellie B for your support post.
gosh dnt know what to tell I KNOW I WOULD BE ON THE DR DOOR STEEP TILL I GOT SOME KIND OF ANSWER FOR SURE .WITH the red tag sounds like you lost alot of blood dnt know ? did they say anything to your hubby you need to know because if you need any kind of surgery down the road they would need to know if you had any problems ,hope all is ok & just sip on the water ,welcome to the losing side
glad you are home and doing well, but it sounds like you lost blood and it had to be replaced. I would call my surgeon this morning and find out.
I owed it to myself to research the duodenal switch before consenting to any other weight loss surgery and so do you. Check out DSFacts.com and DuodenalSwitch.com for more information. Remember think twice, cut once, revisions are risky and revision surgeons are rare.
DS Lab Rats
DS Lab Rats
Glad to hear you're home & doing well. As for my experience, I had a red Transfusion Service id braclet put on my arm before surgery, it was just to let the surgery team know my blood type & that I would accept a transfusion if need be. I had to sign a paper beforehand as well stating I wanted a transfusion if needed & I beleive someone said that Dr. Shina wouldnt even do your surgery if u wouldnt accept a transfusion. My surgery was at Suburban.
And I would be calling everyday or showing up everyday to find out what..if anything..happened. Its your right to know!
DS on 11/14/12
I cannot offer any words of what could have been going on, but just wanted to say congrats and welcome to the loser's bench!

Hey Shayna,
Sorry you had such a hard time but at least you haven't been in a lot of pain. When is your next doctor's visit? Be sure and ask about the details especially if you have surgery or want to get pregnant so you'll know.
What a sweet hubby you have. I'm sure seeing his loving face helped to give you strength. Are you able to get around O.K.?
I haven't had surgery yet but I may be asking some info from you when I do. I live in J-Town and if you are close I'll be glad to run errands or help out.
Hope to meet you soon.