Good vitamin water
At Walgreen's today I found a sugar free, zero calorie, vitamin enhanced water. Its called PureAmerican . I got the Dragonfruit flavored which was really good. It just has a slight fruity taste. I also bought but havent tried yet, the Pomegranate/Blueberry & the Lemonade flavors.
Its nice to have something besides water & Crystal Light.

Seems like it was $1.19, I cant really remember. I tried the Blueberry/Pom earlier and it tasted like watered down cranberry juice. I loooovvvveeee cranberry juice so I was Its the little things that makes us happy ya know!
I also just had some AquaCal flavored water in the concord grape flavor & let me tell was GREAT! It didnt have the watered down flavor that most of the waters do, I got it at the gas station down the street, seems like it came in strawberry too. No cal/no sugar, I had to look again after I tried it to make sure I read the label right! It was only 99 cents.