PMS issues, Sperm analysis (yes I said SPERM!!!)
This is a copy of what I just put on the pregnancy after weight loss surgery. To those of u who have asked me about our vasectomy reversal and how everything is going, thank u for asking. We'll be testing after the 26th, that is his 6 months post op mark. To those of u who smart off each time I post about sperm **** off. No one made u read my post, it clearly state pms issues, sperm issues. So why did u even open and read it???????????? Oh well, everyone can't be happy all the time.
Hey ladies, I've been away for awhile. On June 26 it will be 6 months since my hubby's vasectomy reversal. We haven't even done our 2nd SA yet. My periods always start somewhere in the neighborhood of the 11th of the month till the 14th. Ok, last night I was barely spotting. Today I've had some major cramping issues and have like stringy discharge with a lil blood in it. It's not brown and its not a bright red or pink. It's like, well redish brown, does that make sense or sound stupid? I'm also in a incredibly crappy, irritated mood. My DH would probably like to knock me in the head with something instead of knocking me up right now. I've felt crappy all week long. My sinuses are so dang dry my right nostril bleeds at the drop of a hat. I do not think I'm prg. We haven't even been trying. We were going to wait until our second SA and see what the numbers were before seriously trying again. By the way, sorry I mentioning SPERM and my husbands reversal again. There is some lady on the mainboards that gets crappy everytime I mention this even though they are ladies that PM me and ask how we're doing on our reversal journey. So thanks to u guys that will respond and heck with ya, to those smart alec's that get crappy with the word SPERM...... See, I'm in a really bad mood. Must be my period even though it's early. It's never early.