Looking for PCP in or around Lexington,KY
We finally got our insurance so now I am looking for a PCP who can follow me up. I was told about a Surgical group that does GBS they would take me but there is a $250.00 initial fee for excersize, and dietician. Haven't ever needed those. I told the Receptionist that wouldn't be needed. I have called my old Surgeon in NYS for records. Haven't had blood work since October 2007. I have my panel that I want tested from the suggestions at this site. Anyone ever heard of a Dr. T. Winchester? Any thoughts would be appreciated. How is Cigna insurance for this type of stuff? Any feedback would be appreciated.
I haven't gained weight back. I am down to a size 8 from a 23or 24 less than a year ago. I am very proud of myself. I have worked heard and am hoping my older years will be fairly healthy. Thanks,