Low Blood Sugar
Has anyone out there had problems with low Blood Sugar. I have had some problems several years ago with low blood sugar. But last Friday I started feeling sick. I was weak, tired, shaky. I got over it but never got over it. When I got home started feeling bad again. My wife checked my Sugar Level it was 47 I ate some peanut butter and brought it up. I was in the bed for two days I feel somewhat better today. I am wondering if anyone else has had this problem in the past.
Hi Mark they call this refractory hypoglycimic ,mine drops to like in th the 30 even if i have bread. carbs do me in like no bread,pasta,cake,chips all make me have low blood sugar it sorda like i get the flu feelin after i eat the junk. And i have to lay down,sometimes i dont even remember what i did i just pass out. So i watch this really well now. But you could call Amanda at st joe and ask her what might help. Vickie R.