Confession time, setting myself up to be flamed. (Dr Shina, Holly?)
My name is Angela Russell. I had open rny gastric bypass March 24, 2005. The morning of my surgery I weighed 311. At my one year post op visit March 29, 2006 (also the last day I saw u guys) I weighed 161. I maintained that. Sept 8, 06 I had a panniculectomy with, well, I can't remember his name but it was at Baptist East. Durban Smith??? Well, his name is not important now. A month after my panni we had a car accident. None of us were hurt severly. I did have some nerve damage in my right hip. My primary care doctor and chiropractor (I'm not a fan of chiropractors now) both told me that tylenol would not help with inflammatory pain. They recommended Ibprophen, Motrin, etc. NSAIDS. I honestly can't say that I remember either of u saying NOT to take nsaids. I heard somewhere that bariatric patients weren't supposed to take them or at least not alot. Well for 3-4 months I took ibprophen regularly everyday, every 4 hours some days when I was hurting. Early in 2007 I noticed that I'd gained 10 pounds. Which is one reason I put off my 2nd year post op visit with u guys. I also noticed summer of 2007 my stomach would feel like it was on fire sometimes. I would have a burning in my chest, back of my throat. Holly, I remember calling u and telling u this and saying I'd get on up there but I never did. I was ashamed. My pcp sent me for a upper gi but I couldn't chug that white stuff so it didn't't work out. My acid issues have gotten worse and he wants to send me to a gastro intestinal doc. I figure Dr Shina knows about my gastro intestinal issues since he's been in there before. I'd rather come to u guys. I now weigh 215. I do not gorge myself, I don't eat and drink at the same time. I don't do sugars (ok, not often) I don't try to swallow huge bites. I also don't feel full anymore. I'm scared of gaining all my weight back and yes, I know I should have called u guys sooner and gotten off my butt sooner and tried to do something about this. This past year has been a emotional roller coaster for me. Last fall I started having vertigo issues (still don't know what causes that) which triggered panic attacks. I'm not on meclizine 25mg, Ativan 1mg, both 3 times a day. Zoloft 200mg a day. I feel like I'm falling apart. This past Feb. Feb 22, 2008 to be exact I lost my brand new baby niece. That was one of the hardest things I've ever been thru. I do have a point for telling u guys this. Right after we buried the baby, my aunt (who is my 2nd momma) found out that she had rectal cancer. She's only 61. I was already a basket case from the death of my niece and this just devastated me. I kept telling myself as soon as my aunt had her surgery, as soon as we found out she was going to be ok, I'd call u all and start back on the road to getting me fixed. She had her surgery last Friday. She is now cancer free and on the road to recovery, thank goodness. Now it's time I got serious about fixing me. I was so happy to lose that weight. I loved the new me. I loved the way I felt, the way I looked, the energy. I want to get back to that but I'm scared I screwed up my pouch with all the ibprophen I've taken or that I've stretched it all out. Dr Shina, I understand if u don't want to be my doc anymore. I've screwed up myself. I've been lazy and should have called u and gotten my butt in there way before now. My insurance co has changed since I've seen u. It's now Anthem Blue Access PPO. I did call them to see what their position on any type of bariatrics would be. I told them my problems. They said once I have testing done to see whats going on there is a good chance they'll approve whatever codes u send it, saying I need to do. I look forward to hearing from u both even though u have more than enough right to chew my butt out. I just want to get back to where I was. I felt so much better. I felt better about myself. Plus, this constant burning in my stomach and throat sucks. I'd like that gone as well or at least better. Sincerely Angela E Russell 270-360-0231
Thank you Angela, I know you too have been through so much and I'm sorry to hear about your niece and aunt. However, it's good news your aunt is recovering after surgery. Perhaps this is a silver lining giving hope for a better year for you and your family. I'm doing alright, just really creeped out about the weight gain, but I have been putting off trying to find out what's wrong with me. I've been having such fatigue issues for a long time now and when I was told I was depressed from the ovulation medicine, I figured I'd give the anitdepressants a chance. I'm still fatigued and have hunger issues, but the depression (safe to say) is under control; I don't feel depressed at all)
I'm not giving up hope though, because I knew what it meant to have this surgery and I made a commitment to do what ever it takes to make it work. If for some reason there's a physical reason for the surgery not working for me, then I'll do what I can to fix that too. We're going to get through this, mark my words; you, me, and Mike. We're strong people and we're determined to be successful. I also think this is good to post out here on the boards, so people who are contemplating the surgery or just recently had it, know it's not a bed of roses to make this surgery work and/or this surgery be an easy solution to obesity. It's something we constantly have to be aware of and willing to use the tool properly or if anything, make sure the tool is working properly. I go tomorrow to my breakout session and I'll post more then with an update to what my nut tells me. I'm actually looking forward to moving into our new house (yes, house!) and getting a new fresh start to getting back into gear with weight loss. I'll call you sometime soon, not tonight as it's late already, and we'll talk and give each other idea's. You take care, ~Dee
We're going to get through this, mark my words; you, me, and Mike. We're strong people and we're determined to be successful. I also think this is good to post out here on the boards, so people who are contemplating the surgery or just recently had it, know it's not a bed of roses to make this surgery work and/or this surgery be an easy solution to obesity. It's something we constantly have to be aware of and willing to use the tool properly or if anything, make sure the tool is working properly Amen to that! We will get thru this. Determination is a huge part of it and will power. I misplaced my will power but I've got a good idea about where it's at. Call me anytime. I just got sis to sleep so I'm probably heading that way myself. I've gotten lazy with Allison being in Kindergarten this year. Getting up early kicks my butt lol. Congrats on the house! We moved out of our apt almost 3 yrs ago and into this one and I am so happy. I love it. I love planting my garden, my roses, sitting out on the front porch swing at night. U guys take care and I'll be looking for your updates. Love Ange