Hello everyone, I haven't been on this board much before. I had my open rny gastric bypass March 24, 2005. I weighed 324 when I had surgery. Within the first year I lost down to 160. I was happy. My surgeon was happy. I loved the new me. October 8, 2006 we had a car accident. None of us were hurt too badly but I did have some nerve damage in my hip/back area. I saw my family doc and got referred to a chiropractor. I can't honestly say he did me any good. He did tell me that tylenol would not help with the pain from the damaged nerves. He said that I'd need to take Ibprophen, motrin, Advil, etc. NSAIDS. When I had gastric bypass surgery I heard we weren't supposed to take NSAIDS but my chiro doc said that was pretty much all that would help. It didn't hurt constantly and when it did flare up I'd hobble toward the ibprophen. I took it regularly for 3-4 months. It still hurts every now and then but I run for the heating pad now or icy hot. Last year I started noticing that I had alot of burning in the back of my throat. One night I woke up and my chest was on fire. My family doc says acid reflux. Could all those ibprophen's I took have done something to the lining in my pouch? I've never gorged myself. For the first year and a half I maintained. I didn't start gaining till after last spring 07. Now I've gained a total of 50 pounds since last year. My stomach burns all the time. I don't even feel full anymore. I've called Anthem PPO our new insurance co and told them what was going on. They said just have my doc do the test and submit and it would be no problem to get anything approved. My aunt just had cancer surgery yesterday and I've put off calling my surgeon, Dr Shina, because I was ashamed of gaining. Also I want my aunt to be healed and on the road recovery before I start anything. She just had a mass removed from her rectum, colon yesterday and Thank God is doing good. I guess I need to call my surgeon Monday and I just wanted u're alls input, stories, etc.
Thanks and Big Hugs
Thanks and Big Hugs
Hi Angela,
I would say call your surgeon first and foremost. I know it's nerve wrecking because of the weight gain but it has to be the first step.
Could the burning in your stomach possible point to ulcers? I'm no doc of course but it seems logical. I guess the first thing will be lots of testing. Everyone says revisions are tricky.. I personally want revised to the DS but don't think it'll happen. I've also heard that w/ RNY you can expect a little bit of a gain...
I am guilty of taking NSAIDS ... the most i've taken them regularly was a month.. My doc says they're OK as long as you don't use them long term.. I have put on some pounds too and I'm thinking my stoma has stretched 'cause I never feel full...
Anyway, goodluck in this.
I always worry about that. Their is a new procedure out that they can go thruogh your throat for repair or tighten up. Look ut under revision. Always remember you you done this and try to restart your weight loss. You can do it because you done it once before. Don'nt get down ans depreesed. Their are to many people that want to see you suceed.