Hi Tiffany, as you know I have been involved in patient advocate with Dr. Sonnanstine for some time. . Took a little time off the past few months for my own personal reasons. However, this past Monday Dr. Tom and myself had a meeting about what's happening.
St. Luke West unfortunately has not been very giving as the center has grown so fast over the last 3 yrs.. The space they gave them to start out is not sufficient any longers as they are busting out at the seams. There isn't enough room for storage, employees they need to handle the load and the extensive patient list the doctor now has. Ground has been broken for a new center. New employees will be coming on soon including a Certified Bariatric nurse to take Taryn's place. As well as talk of another surgeon. With that will of course take more staff.
You are right, Taryn and the doc had a great working relationship, but often times we just need to move on. Taryn felt it was time to persue other interest and I applaud her for her decision. Taryn is an awesome person and an incredible nurse. I am not sure anyone knows that better than me as she took very good care of me when I needed her. Also, I am not sure if patients realize that all employees at the center, including the doctor, are hospital employees. Not employees of the doctor. When stress is felt or changes needed- it's awesome to belong to an organization where you can move if you feel the need. Please do not feel bad toward Taryn or the center, this is just a process. Taryn would be upset if she knew patients felt her move was taken personal..instead look at it as a great opportunity for her..
I would not consider what is happening over there as "falling a part". Just growing pains that all businesses go through. Dr. Sonnanstine is very sorry to lose Taryn but is very excited about the future plans. A new contract, new center and even more patient support and after care. Please bear with us all and watch the center as well as Dr. Tom grow. I for one am extremely proud of being part of all the changes I have watched over the years. Dr. Tom is awesome...he is there for all of his patients, I can assure you.
Any questions, call Kristine at the office. or let me know if I can do anything at all..