Support Group Meetings?
I would like to attend. what is this months meeting about? I don't enjoy them as much when someone from the center is speaking. It's the same old thing. If there is going to be a guests speaker I may come. At one time the meetings were listed on here. I noticed they aren't doing that since Brenda left.
Hey Kit, first off I have not left. I am still hanging around and will be there any time a pt ask for me. Hopefully in the near future I will be getting active again. Last year was a very tough one for me emotionally losing my dad..once I found out my kids were having babies I decided to take time off to spend with them ( did I menion I love being a grandma!!)...I am ready to be there for anyone who needs me. Matter of fact I will be at the hospital all day tomorrow with a bypass pt. If anyone wants to talk to me just let me know..we can meet up there.
And I hopefully will be updating Dr. Sonnanstine's event and seminar section as soon as we have time to sit down with the programs and dates. So keep watching,...I don't know anything about this months support group meeting...whatever it is I am sure it will be a good one!