Would like info on Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom
Hi! I think I'm ready for roller coasters and I'm looking for info on Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom from people who have gone there. Hubby and I will be going this summer (dunno when yet) and we're also interested in other attractions in the area of Louisville. We're going to do a dinner tour on the Belle of Louisville, too. As far as Six Flags, is there a good or bad time of the summer to go (crowd-wise)? We don't have children -- we're just two big kids! I look forward to hearing suggestions from y'all. I'm going to see how we do locally then we're gonna head for Disney World in the future.

I took my 3 plus my nieces and nephew, years ago when it first opened. I could pay for them all unlike Kings Island. So it's been a long time. We had a blast, olace was pretty empty. Sorrry can't be more helpful, Not from there but if you ever want to come to CIncinnati, I can help.
WHen you go to DIsney, stay in the park, that way you get in early, no parking hassle and they have this thing were you can scan your card and it give you a time to come back to the ride and get on with no wait. It's great. If you do MGM, stay at the HArd rock and you can just walk past the pool to the park. MY kids loved Island of Advenutre more than DIsney. AMy
Thanks! I look forward to our excursion. I really want to test myself on fitting into the rides before making the trip to Disney World. I mean, I know I've lost 159 pounds and I know I'll fit (hopefully with room to spare) but I still have this fear of "Not Fitting" and of having to face the embarassment and disappointment. So, anyway, Six Flags will be a test run for me.
Have a great weekend!!!

As we live about 12 minutes from there, we go regularly! Actually my pic in my profile (the full legth body one) is actually cropped from my family there last September. I weighed quite a bit then as I do now.(about 250) Had no trouble at all fitting on the rides. If it is at all possible to go on a weekday verses the week-end, then I suggest that to beat the crowds. There are virtualy no lines on the weekday compared to 1 hour long waits on the week-ends.
hope this helps....