Seem to have hit a stall and losing hair
I know losing 77 pounds in a little over 3 months is great but it seems the past 2 weeks the scale is not moving and it is a little frustrating. I know a lot of people hit a stall in the weight loss but was it this early out? I am assuming the weight is going to start coming off slower now and I guess I just need to deal with that and up the exercise. But the hair loss thing is really worrying me. I had thin hair to being with and the amounts that I have been losing the past couple weeks is a lot. When did you hair loss let up? Okay enough whining I just needed to get that out of my system.
I hit a stall at 2 months out, and for 2 weeks or more, i never seen the scales move, then finally they started moving again. then I lost 12 pounds in 2 weeks, you have done great, I have only lost ,well close to 60 in almost 3 months, will be 3 months next week. for the hair loss, are you getting in all your protein and vitamins and water, they really stress those 3 things. maybe you can get shampoo for thinning hair, like nioxin, I have been using the cheaper kind from sally's beauty supply, you don't have to be a hairstylist to purchase it either. you can get nioxin at the salon in walmarts. hope this helps.
your hair went into shock when you were under anesthesia and will come back. The hair loss usually lasts from months 3-6, maybe it won't last that long but it won't last longer. No amount of nioxin you use will help. Taking your vitamins, drinking your water and getting in enough protein will though. If you are really worried about it go get it cut a little shorter and layered and wait it out it'll come back. It happened to me when I had my tubes tied in 2000 and know it will be happening to me again here soon. I have the scientific information about stalls if you want it but I have posted it here so much I wonder if I am boring people with it so I won't unless you ask, the best advice is drink lots of water and dont stop eating, this too shall pass and the scale will move again.
I owed it to myself to research the duodenal switch before consenting to any other weight loss surgery and so do you. Check out and for more information. Remember think twice, cut once, revisions are risky and revision surgeons are rare.
DS Lab Rats
DS Lab Rats
yes go get the shampoo but I hate to scare you I am 2 years out & at times my hair still falls out in bunches but hey I have thick hair so I never have t have it thined again ,also there is biotin at wallmart it will say hair & nail it is good ,you can get for hair also it is good I used it in the first stages because my hair was falling out alot