5/5/08 - Accountability: diet & exercise journal
I finally cleaned out my closets and took all my better clothes to the consignment shop! I also purged a few more of Gracie's baby stuff along with the high chair and diaper jeanie (we never used it!) and took them up too. This is how I make my mad money! I use it to pay for our Zoo Membership, summer pool passes, etc. I also took our VERY hairy cat up to be sheared today! She will come home this evening looking like a little lion! She's happier this way as she's so hot blooded she will stand by the vents and lick the metal in the summer! Has everyone else's day been good so far? FOOD snack: StarBECK"S skinny cini dulce latte (110 cal, 2.5 fat, 13 carb, 8pro) breakfast: 3/4 cup cottage cheese w/ 1/4 cup crushed pineapple (200 cal, 5 fat, 7.5 carb, 18 pro) lunch: Snicker's Marathon protein bar (290 cal, 10 fat, 40 carb, 20 pro) dinner: Smothered pork loin, steamed broccoli, maybe some mashed taters FLUIDS 8oz coffee 8oz milk 32oz water in my gym jug 24oz crystal light EXERCISE I'm headed to the gym in just a few minutes! Will edit to include my times later!
Hi Dawn, I still can't convince myself to get passes for this year. Richard and I were pretty disappointed last year with their teenage staff and such! They weren't checking seatbelts like they should have, were more worried about when their next break was and chatting with their buddies who were standing in line than doing their job. And all of this was AFTER that one girl's accident! You'd think they'd have been on their toes a bit more. We even saw one little girl get hurt (minor though) on the bungee-trampoline thing because the attendant hadn't tightened the ropes like she should have! I'm thinking about going to Holiday World a time or two this summer to make up for it though. Any interest in doing that with us? Other than that I plan on sticking with our local pool, the YMCA and the zoo!
DS Lab Rats
Hi Vicki, Glad to hear your are feeling closer to normal! What is the typical recuperation time for DS? You had your's done laproscopically though right? I'm sure that cuts it down a bit too?
The Snicker's bars taste like a sinful candy bar! LOL....some would say it really is just a glorified one anyway but hey......I count the nutrients so it's all good to me! My husband is like Mikey and won't anything good for him and I now have to hide them from him to ration them out. You can buy them at Walmart. Do you go to the LaGrange store ever? If so, they are on the top shelf in front of the counter for the prescription pick-ups. I only like the Caramel Nut Rush flavor myself but there are about 4 or 5 flavors. A box of six is $7. Not too bad at all when it's used as a meal replacement! I take my things up to Kaeli's Kloset in Crestwood. I was going to take my plus sizes to Sugarbaker's on Shelbyville Rd but decided to stick close to home! I dropped off almost all of my 22 and 20 jeans, shorts and skirts and I still have a ton to sort through!
I thought I would go to Sugarbaker's and didn't know Kaeli's would take plus sized clothes. I don't have any kiddie clothes to take over there. My youngest is 10 and destroys his clothes, well most of them anyway. I can't wait to try the snicker's bars. Hey there is another one that is all the rage on the DS board called the Rock n Roll bar, evidently it is like a payday candy bar, haven't tried it or even found it for that matter - if you find them let me know. Typical recup for lap DS is two weeks, I think I am a week behind because of the drainage complication I had. I can't really blame the DS for that though it could have happened with any other surgery that required a drain. I can't wait to ditch the 20's.... for good, I am so jealous!
DS Lab Rats