OT: Random Acts of Kindness
I live over in Georgetown, IN and hope to do this following event in the New Albany, Jeffersonville, Louisville area and just wanted to see if anyone else was interested.
I am really feeling a tug at my heart to do something more in my life. I truly believe God has blessed each and everyone of us (even for those of us who have had a rough life, we still have plenty to be thankful for) and now I personally would like to show others God's love.
I have a plan in mind, but I really need a lot of help. I am currently trying to organize a Random Acts of Kindness yard/bake sale as well as an event where the proceeds from the sale go to help others out. My thoughts are that all proceeds from the yard/bake sale will go towards creating random acts of kindness in our community. I will need help in the following areas, if you could help in anyway please let me know. I would truly appreciate it!
*If anything, please help by at least forwarding this out to friends/family that may be able to assist with this community outreach. The location/date of the sale is still yet to be determined, but I'm pretty sure it will be in the southern Indiana area during June.
Here is how you can help out, if you can please help in as many areas as you can.
1) Donate new or gently used items for the yard sale
2) Bake items to be sold at the sale
3) Volunteer your time to work the sale (it will be held on a Sat morn this summer)
4) Donate money to be used for the random acts of kindness efforts (any donations are greatly appreciated)
5) Give suggestions on where we can help out (Specific nominees are welcome)
(this can be monetary or non-monetary)
(ie. We can pay for someone's electric bill that is having a hard time, or we can cut the
grass of someone who can't do this for themselves).
6) Volunteer to participate in our "random acts of kindness" event where we split up into
groups and do random acts of kindness throughout the community. This date is yet to be determined as well, but will follow soon
after the yard sale date is announced.
Please let me know as soon as you can if you would be available to help with one or more of the areas listed above.
*Again, if you know someone specific that could use our assistance (monetary or non-monetary) please share their information with me.
Thanks for your time. Remember we glorify God by serving others.
Feel free to contact me:
Autumn Stoner
[email protected]
DS on 11/14/12
Autun...what a great thing to do and I am sure it will be a hit! I would love to donate...we are actually going through alot of our stuff in prep for a move and I am sure we can help with donations. Let me know when and where to bring the stuff! I used to take it all to Goodwill, but ours gets bombarded and I would rather see it go to someone who is need and can use it! Email- [email protected]
Thanks so much! I have had a lot of people say they would be interested in helping out.
When do you plan on moving? I will be glad to meet you somewhere to get the stuff from you. But if you want to wait until the sale, I will get you more details soon. It appears that I can use a church United Methodist on Park Pl in Jeffersonville (which is good in case it rains, we can have it indoors) and it will be either 6/7, 6/14, or 6/21. I will give you a definte soon. But again, I will arrange to meet you somewhere if you need me to get it prior to the date.
Thanks and God Bless!
DS on 11/14/12
I am sure you will have your hands busy with the set up and all...besides I have a mini van and can load it up quite easily and bring it to you. Let me know if anyone else responds from up in this area and I can bring it down too. Saves on gas that way! Have you posted this on the Indiana board?...There are several people on there that may also be willing to give!