family reaction

DS Lab Rats
I love your sense of humor...but I like knowing I can share a meal with my family no matter where we are. I admire those who can follow a low calorie daily diet and maintain their weight loss, personally if I could do that I wouldn't need weight loss surgery. Yup, I went through the what in the heck am I doing to myself stuff but I had about six months to wait for my surgery so that was plenty of time to make sure I had my priorities in order and my mind made up. I woke up from surgery with normal blood sugar and have had no indigestion or heartburn. I eat pretty normally even at just almost 3 weeks out. Your thoughts on the future are something you need to think about no matter which surgery you choose. Because of the malabsorptive effect of the DS we have labs drawn to make sure we are getting the right nutrition but I think its a good idea for anyone who has had wls. None of this is easy, we see the results and applaud the losses here on OH but look deeper, go to the revision forum, search yahoo for problem groups, I wanted to know everything good, bad and ugly before I did this. Best wishes to you and your robonurse.
DS Lab Rats