Referring surgeons
Hi All,
I'm new to the site and was wondering if anybody wanted to recommend a surgeon in Louisville. I went to the seminar at Suburban and Dr. Geller did the lecture and he seemed really nice. I want someone experienced and easy to talk to and reach if I need them.
I plan on going to the next support group but I'm not sure when it is and would love to site with a "veteran" and ask some questions.
Hope to hear from some new friends.
Hi and WELCOME...
I highly recommend my own surgeon, even though I am still a month away from my surgery date.
Dr. Kehdy is one of the most compassionate and caring docs that I have ever met. He is one of those that will "hold your hand" through everything and that was an important factor for me. I was not looking for a surgeon who was brusque and to the point. Dr. Jeffrey Allen will also be assisting in my surgery because of some insurance requirement. You really cannot get any better than him(Allen) (experience wise) as he is the foremost authority on WLS in this area and lectures throughout the US. As he is in such high demand, the wait time may be a little longer.
you made a great choice. Dr. Geller is the best. He operated on at three of my friends, and several more are waiting for approval. His office is great. They are working on my case too.
Dr. Geller has been doing bariatric for at 7 years. In the thread, someone talked about Dr. Kehdy and Dr. Tanner. You should know they both just started in bariatrics 6 months ago and haven't done enough to be listed on the Center Excellence website. Plus, I know they are in with Dr. Allen, who is also great, but the office is terrible. Another friend changed from Dr. Allen to Dr. G because Allens office was not at all helpful and wouldnt shcedule her surgery even after she was approved.
When you talk about getting to talk to him -- he answered the phone when I called his number over the weekend. He said he does this so he gets all medical calls when the office is closed. Knowing that, I know he is available 24/7.
Support groups are every 2nd Tuesday downtown norton and every 4th Thursday at Suburban.