i love it
Well today i turned 45 and i am so happy and i no this is going to the best bday ever. I got the best birthday present early i had my surgery in feb and i feel great. no more insulin and i can walk without getting out of breath. Im not cravin bday cake . this time next year ill have my harley and be able to ride them rollercoasters oh i cant wait i feel like a kid who has eatin alot of candy. im sure its a sin to be this happy..lol but i had to share how blessedi am to have been able to celebrate another bday............
It does feel really good, knowing you are older and feel alot better than last birthday, I turned 44 on the 19th, had a cookout etc. I of course didn't eat anything but a bite of a hamburger, my family even got me a cake knowing I couldn't eat it, well I guess they enjoyed it!! lmao. they bought it for themselves. I feel better this year than I have in several years. I am down quite a bit, I am not going to post any more pictues until I hit 199, hopefully that will come in a couple weeks. fingers crossed!! congratulations on not taking insulin anymore. I think the surgery does wonders for all of us that has had, or gonna have it.!!