OT: In Honor of my niece who was stillborn 2/22/08 "The March of Dimes, March of Babies"
This is the link to my myspace page. I don't know why the march for babies thing is saying spam/phishing when it comes up. Maybe because I copied it from her bulletin. If anyone wants to go to my page, u can click on Danielle's pic and bring up her page with the info on it. Or u should be able to. My computer skills are non existent.
Last Edit: 4/22/08 9:15 am Some of u might remember that my niece Gracie Ann was stillborn at 34 weeks, 2-22-08. In memory of Gracie, her mom, dad, and the rest of us are participating in the March of Dimes (I think it may have changed to the March of Babies) this year. My sister in law's goal was to have raised $500 to help prevent this tragedy from happening to others in the future. Here is the thread she posted on her myspace bulletin and after I've copied and pasted it in here I'll go back and get the link for the March of Dimes thing. I'm not soliciting. No one has to donate anything. If u wanted to, it would be greatly appreciated, but prayers are appreciated more. Going thru what we've been thru with losing Gracie, well, I just pray that u never know that pain. She was my niece and I know with them being her parents it hurt them in a different kind of hurt, but as a aunt, theres a piece of my heart that went to heaven that morning with lil Gracie. Theres not a day that goes by that she doesn't cross my mind. Someone sent me a email forward yesterday and it was called "Jesus Laughing" they were pencil drawings of Jesus in several poses with children, babies. There was one of him holding a lil bitty baby and it touched my heart and made me think of Gracie and how she's with Him now. I posted the pics out of the email on my myspace pics. They were all touching. Anyways, heres what Danielle, my sis in law, wrote on her bulletin. "
" I'll go back now and get the link for anyone who wishes to send them well wishes, prayers. U don't have to donate, if anyone wants to know, I know it would touch Danielle and Randall and I'm always humbled by the love and support on these boards. Thanks Ange P.S. If the purple March for Babies thing doesn't show up let me know. I can see it but I'm not too puter literate so I might not have done it correctly. |
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