Yeah Richard!
DS on 11/14/12
Becca...glad to hear dear hubby's surgery went well! Can't be on two trials to get ready for but wanted to let ya know I was thinking about ya!
Thanks so much!
We just got home from the hospital about an hour ago (around 1pm). He puttered around outside with the guys for a few minutes and now he's kicked back in the recliner drinking cream of tomato soup! I don't remember being hungry few a few days after surgery but he woke up hungry! Poor guy! (Dr. L only requires thin liquids they don't have to be clear) The big goofball was teasing the aides at the hospital he'd pay them 10 bucks for a bag of cheetos! Now don't worry, he'll be good and play by the rules with the band but I'm sure he's going to be verbal the whole time! Poor me! LOL
I'm on my way up to WallyWorld to fill his scripts and buy a thermos for his soups for the coming weeks. A belly full of soup and 2 honey will be good for 3 or 4 hours after that!

DS on 11/14/12
Sounds to me you will be pretty good after he gets those Percocets too! JK.....I did the liquids for about two days and then moved on to semi liquid mushies. I just hated the liquid thing. Hang in there~
He can do the soups but not the broth. I can't either though, make me want to vomit! He told me he'd try to do the juice off regular soups once I drain them. Dr. L will likely advance him to puree/mushie when he sees him thins coming Wednesday for follow-up.
If worse gets to worse maybe i'll take the percocets!!!

hey girls!!! Rebecca glad you got Mr. Entertainment home and all is well would have called but I have a attitudeal 4 year old on my hands!!! Between her and her dad butting heads my hands are full till now!!! Glad he feels good! hahahaha dawn
First 80.5 pounds lost with 3cc's in a 14 ccband now at 7cc's in 14cc band