How's everyone this morning?
Louisville appears to be fine. One building downtown lost it's brick facade and other than that there's a few reports of broken window and cracked stucco with homeowners. Some power outage also just across the river in Indiana.
How are ya? Did ya beat UHC at their game yet?
My husband had his band placed yesterday. Going to the hospital as soon as I log out of here to hang with him until the D/C him.
We are down in E-town and all seems fine around here. Thankfully!! Grew up in Cali and slept thru this son who spends a quite a bit of time in Cali every summer himself woke up due to the shaking. I thought it was truely ironic for him - all his time in Cali and he has his first here... go firgure.
Glad to hear everyone is doing well.
So, are you a big hockey fan??? We all enjoy it at my house.