Any artists out there?
DS on 11/14/12
I don't know how many of you have some hidden talents in the art field, but I am helping a friend hunt out area artists for a festival we are having on our town square May 16-17. This is the first year so it is a little wobbly, but we are looking for people to set up an area to display their works (and sell hopefully) We are looking for all types of mediums so if you are interested or know someone who is...let me know. She also owns an art gallery and takes in items on consignment if you have any pieces of work you would like to sell. She carries painingsand prints from artists, photographer's photos, candles, jewelry, etc.....let me know if you are interested! The festival is free to the artists displaying and people attending as well! Email me if you want.... [email protected]
I know Vicki has some beautiful work she has done! Thanks