Upset and Frustrated with Norton and Dr office
OK, I'm sooooooooo upset/ frustrated.... whatever else you want to call it... I finally got the call a few weeks ago for the appt at Norton with the nutritionist....psycologist...etc.... ok so I did that.. then the next step they tell me is they will pass my info along to the Dr's office (Which I choose Dr. Allen) and they would call me...
Soooooooo I get the call today..she schedules me in a week..BUT WAIT!!!! then she discovers that I have not completed the 6 month weight loss... and then proceeds to tell me THAT SHE CAN"T SCHEDULE ME UNTIL I"M ALL FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT once at Norton, or the TWO seminars did they tell me that I couldn't even get into the surgeon until I've completed my 6 month weight loss for insurance... I"M SO UPSET!!! My insurance requires a 6 month weight management program with my Dr. OR a 3 month multidisciplinary with the Surgeon... so I proceed to tell the lady that and she just says.OH WELL< Dr ALLEN doesn't do that!!!!!! UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Anyone else have this issue???????? I was soooooo excited to FINALLY get the call to be seen by the surgeon then to have it snatched away from me in seconds!!!! Sorry to vent on everyone!!!
I put a call into the Nurse at norton , hopefully I'll hear something back tomorrow.. I'm just annoyed cause I paid that $300 fee, and all the other BS and now I might not even get to make an appt for 3-4 months...
I mean what if I meet him and don't even like him and want to switch Drs...ya know.. it would be nice to get in and get answers and his perspective and all theres all those other tests they say I have to have done..heart Dr... lung dr.. why not get that stuff out of the way!!!
Anyways..thanks for listening..=)
Hi Sandi,
What a bummer!! I think i'd be upset too!
How about asking if any of the other doctor's in the group do the 3 month multidisiplinary diet approach? My surgeon (who is in the group), Dr. Larson is in the same group and when I see him I see the nutritionist EVERYTIME. I've been told some of the other surgeon's in the group don't do that. Do you think that would that count as multidisiplinary?
I had that problem too. Don't stress it. Take this time and research your options. Make sure that the surgery you chose is the right one for you. I made sure to get to a seminar representing every surgery choice I had during that time. All the tests you have during that time will work for any surgery choice you make. Use the time to get in better shape for surgery. Lift small hand weights, start walking, go to the support group meetings. You will find that you will relax as you get more information and you will feel more comfortable when you know you have made the right decision for you. The time will fly. It did for me and I started this last May - here it is nearly one year later and surgery is next week. I researched everything and feel so comfortable with my choice. Best wishes and hope to see you next month at the support group meeting. I started out at Norton too and paid that $300 fee so I can go to those meetings for life!
eta: I have a Nate too!
I owed it to myself to research the duodenal switch before consenting to any other weight loss surgery and so do you. Check out and for more information. Remember think twice, cut once, revisions are risky and revision surgeons are rare.
DS Lab Rats
DS Lab Rats
I just sent you a PM however let me just say that it took me probably 3 years to get surgery once I started researching. I was approved in Dec. 05 then my insurance was changed. I was disapproved in Jan. 06 by my new insurance compnay. Then my new one needed the six month medically monitored weight loss. They just want you to jump through their hoops. I actually chose Dr. Allen because another surgeon's office was giving me a worse run around. They will set it all up for you and it will go quickly after the 6 months, trust me, it did for me eventually. For my 6 months, I went to WW, keep all my records and food journals, went to my PCP each month to weigh in and have her document my efforts. It really wasn't that bad, it peed me off alittle but it all ended up being okay. As for the money, if you decide to go somewhere else you will get that back. It comes off your co-pays anyway. I hope this helps, I know that it is a frustrating experience, but try to stick it out. I knew that the lapband was the only option for me. So, I researched daily and was on these forums like crazy. Keep us posted, if you have any other questions just ask. It will all come together, i promise. Thanks, Stacia
I just sent you a PM however let me just say that it took me probably 3 years to get surgery once I started researching. I was approved in Dec. 05 then my insurance was changed. I was disapproved in Jan. 06 by my new insurance compnay. Then my new one needed the six month medically monitored weight loss. They just want you to jump through their hoops. I actually chose Dr. Allen because another surgeon's office was giving me a worse run around. They will set it all up for you and it will go quickly after the 6 months, trust me, it did for me eventually. For my 6 months, I went to WW, keep all my records and food journals, went to my PCP each month to weigh in and have her document my efforts. It really wasn't that bad, it peed me off alittle but it all ended up being okay. As for the money, if you decide to go somewhere else you will get that back. It comes off your co-pays anyway. I hope this helps, I know that it is a frustrating experience, but try to stick it out. I knew that the lapband was the only option for me. So, I researched daily and was on these forums like crazy. Keep us posted, if you have any other questions just ask. It will all come together, i promise. Thanks, Stacia
Sandi, hang in there! It's been almost a year since I started this journey, I had the 6 month "supervised" weight loss program and my surgery is now less than 2 weeks away, with Dr. Allen. It's OK to vent, because many of us have been there. Wish I had found this forum sooner, I found myself extremely discouraged especially in December when I had done EVERYTHING I had been asked to do, and my general doctor and Dr. Allen's office could not seem to get it all together. Once it was all submitted to insurance company, the date was set within a few days! I know it's tough, but patience is a must with these folks. Keep us posted on how things are going for you. Peace.