need advice
I would say that is true. With my health insurance I had to be on a supervised diet and see a dietician and my family Dr every month for 6 consecutive months. Don't think of this as a bad thing -- take advange of the time to get your mind, body and spirit in the best possible shape. Read everything you can find and go into this very prepared. This will make recovery and living with the changes after surgery so much easier! Good Luck!
I had medicaid, and I waited 6 months, actually longer, did they tell you, you have to see yuor regular family dr. for 6 months in a row also, I missed one month seeing them ,and then I had to wait 3 extra months.
I am glad I went to all the classes and appts. for all them months, it really prepared me for this.
If I had just jumped in and had it done say like in a months time, I would have probably did alot of no,no's.
the dietition is there to help you learn and understand what is going to be happening to your body. it is an ongoing learning process.
Take their advice and you will have a great outcome, I am glad I had to wait all that time.
I don't have medicare but I have waited longer than that. It's a good thing though. This is a huge decision. Take the time, do your research and make sure you are choosing the right surgery for you. I did and so far I am very comfortable with the decision I have made. It gives you time to make preparations too, my house isn't as clean as I would like it but all the closets are cleaned out. Just saying there are advantages that time can afford you, make use of them. Best wishes to you with your decision.
I owed it to myself to research the duodenal switch before consenting to any other weight loss surgery and so do you. Check out and for more information. Remember think twice, cut once, revisions are risky and revision surgeons are rare.
DS Lab Rats
DS Lab Rats