Thank you for the update Sarah, I finally got through to her tonight and she, as said, is alive and well. She will try to post soon but is working 12-16 hr. days; she sounded drained when I spoke with her.
On a sad note, it has been confirmed that another patient by the same first name (different last name) was killed in a traffic accident; Brenda felt that giving out personal information about this person would be inappropriate and I concur.
We can rejoice knowing our friend is still with us.
Sending thoughts and prayers her way for a speedy recovery. Sounds like she is well on her way.
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Hey my friend..thanks for straightening this out for me....what a shocker it was to get calls and emails about it.
My grandkids were here over the weekend and then had to get back to work with some long hours..I haven't been on line or checked emails since the weekend.
It is sad to hear that someone did die in an heart felt prayers are with the family..
Thanks again to all my friends for caring so much.