Hey, everyone this is my 1st post on the KY message board. I was just wondering if anyone was in Murray, KY or any where near. I wanted to see in there was a support group here considering I go to college here and with gas being 3.15 I really do not want to dribe to Paducha. Well I hope to hear from you all. P.S. Does any one know how I can creat a Signature?
Hello Roxy, How are you do'n. I'm originally from Fulton. So I very familiar with your neck of the woods. Our son was born at Murray Calloway Co. Hospital. Wow. speak'n of small world. Let me see what I can help you with.
As far as your signature. On the left side of your screen. under where you go into message board,recent post go all the way to user settings. that will get you to where you can change you avatar and add a ticker, do remember to copy and paste the actual ticker. not the url code.
Go on you surgeons forum and see if there is a local support group. Hope this helps you out. Hugs sweetie. Barb
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