Here's my situation...I am ready to go through with the lap band surgery. I applied for Care Credit on the lapband site and was turned down. My family owns 3 businesses and all the business credit is on my credit bureau. There may be a couple late pays but for the majority all my bills are paid exactly. I do have a bankruptcy from about 3 yrs ago though and because of having so much credit & so many inquiries, my score is low, low, low. I have the income to justify the surgery and just need someone to set me up on even a 12 month payment arrangement. I could even pay a good downpayment too. Does anyone have any resources for me?? A doctor that would carry me for 12 months would be great. I do not have a co-signer and that lets all the options like efinance and care credit out since I fall below the 600 credit mark. This is so very frustrating. I have a little boy that will be 6 soon and a 14 month old baby girl. I want to be able to roll around in the floor with them and jump on the trampoline and have the fun they want me to before they are both too old. Please help me.
Is home equity an option? What about out-of-state or out-of-country options to get the cost as low as possbile? We paid for my surgery and will pay for my husband's (which will most likely be in April) with our home equity. Of course, we will be tapped out after that but we figure we're adding atleast five more years of livelyhood to each of us to pay it off!
You might want to post this question on the bigger lap-band board to see if anyone there knows of any options. I suppose the best suggestion would be to hold off on the surgery for a few months and sock away every spare penny you can manage. Good luck and keep in touch!
Unfortunately we sold our house last summer. So I would have no home equity. I have looked at out of the country but honestly that scares me a bit. I originally posted on the big board but no one really knew of anything to help me out. OH suggested I post on the KY board to see if I ran into anyone that could help me. Thanks so much for your suggestions :)