Kidney stones and being post-WLS
I woke up this morning feeling a little achy but within an hour of being awake I was having severe lower flank pain and somewhat nauseous. I used to have kidney stones attacks pretty regular a few years ago so I knew what it was right away. My first thoughts were if I start vomiting uncontrolably I will slip my band or pop a suture! I feel like I jumped into action fairly quick though and had Richard taking Gracie to my mom and dad's while I rushed to the PCP's office to try and get a shot of phenergan to keep me from starting the vomiting within about 1/2 an hour of realizing what was going on. Whle I did make it to the doc's office I still didn't get the shot before the puking started but hopefully I didn't do it enough to damage anything. He sent me home with orders to take oral phenergan and percocets and to strain my urine to try and catch the little ****lebur! I also have a 3pm CT scan set up. So I'm sitting here sipping the barium contrast (yum....NOT!) prep solution and typing to keep my mind busy and off the pain. Oh yeah, I also called Dr. Larson's office after I got home from the PCP and was told that if the vomiting starts again that I need to come in for a complete unfil to help prevent a slipl! Hopefully the CT will show a small stone(s) that can pass on it's own and I will be able to keep the vomiting at bay so I don't have to worry about a slip or getting an unfill. Then again, if it's too big at least they could go in and get it and analyze it!
I'm justy rambling in my post percocet haze..... Hope everyone is having a good day.
The order for now is to flush with massive amounts of water, keep the phenergan and painkillers onboard in order to keep me from uncontrollably wretching and they got me an appointment with a urologist for in the morning. Hopefully, I can bypass the ER with this round.
Interestingly, I found out that high protein diets and high calcium supplementation (esp. on an empty stomach) can contribute to kidney stones. Given that i'm a habitual stoner and post-WLS, what's a girl to do??
Oh well, hopefully tomorrow i'll get an answer and maybe they'll catch one of those buggers to analyze! I'm off to neverland now with my percs and phenergan. Might check back in later when I'm not all dopey.

Jesus Saved Me!
Chea, you poor thing! My heart goes out to anyone who has to endure kidney stones! Unless you've had them there's no way to understand how it feels. I've seen them put a full grown macho man into the fetal position on the floor while sobbing for relief. I'm going to have mine surgically removed tomorrow to try and keep me from damaging my band placement. This way we can actually have one to analyze and see if there's a way to avoid getting them again. With any luck this might be my last battle of the kidney stones!!
I remember hearing somewhere that drinking beer helps get rid of stones if you like that stuff Personally, I think it taste like gopher pee and won't touch it!
Take care of yourself and DRINK DRINK DRINK!!!