Low Iron

on 3/17/08 4:01 am - Pikeville, KY
Is Anyone out there having trouble with low Iron and what are your symptoms. I feel tired all the time, I am getting a lot sleep. But it does'nt help. I wake like I have not been  even been sleeping. Sometimes I wake in middle of night with a headache, I am cold all the time, My tongue is sore. I am having sortness of breath and pain in chest area. I just had a stress test and blood work. They came out just fin. No high blood pressure or high cholesterol. I just don'nt feel good it has went on for weeks know. I don'nt want ot do anything but rest and that does'nt help. My wife told me yesterday to sit up in my chair and sleep all in day the bed. So worked on the house I felt so bad I could hardly go. I did'nt check on my cattle and horses yesterday. She gave me a phengrin and thought I felt a little better. My legs ache. I just don'nt want to do anything and I don'nt want to bother the Doctor's Office I have seen them enough. Besides it in Lexington and I am in Pikeville. Wished their was someone here to help me. I had this problem a year ago and they gave me blood. I feel like I feel like whiner. Please give me some of your thoughts or support.
Cheryl Gebbie
on 3/17/08 5:09 am - Knoxville, TN
Are you craving Ice ..that is a major sign of Iron Deficient Anemia .... so are leg cramps ...you need to get to the doc and have it checked out asap
Cheryl Gebbie
on 3/17/08 5:12 am - Knoxville, TN
Oh btw ....your regular doc can order your blood work to check your iron and if need be get you in for iron infusion ....I have to have the infusions at least 1 series a year ....this time i had to have the aranesp injection to build my red blood cells
on 4/1/08 1:39 pm - Paducah, KY
Mark, I know exactly how u feel. My iron has been low for about 2yrs. I have been on 325mg of ferrous sulfate, since then, and it still won't come up. Since I have been seeing my wl surgeon, he is going to refer to me a hematologist, if it don't come up when I do my blood work on the 8th.  I am also taking 500mg of vitamin c with my pills, so I am praying that it helps. I would definitely talk to ur doctor about it, reguardless if u don't want to bother them. That's what they are there for....to help us. I pray u get to feeling better soon. Keep us posted.
on 4/2/08 1:35 am - Pikeville, KY

What are some of your symptoms. I went to my Family Doctor and he done Blood Work. I told them to check my Iron they did'nt but told did check my Hemoglobin and told me it was fine so I could not not be Anemic but what about my Iron Levels.

on 4/12/08 11:42 am - Paducah, KY
Well, my symptoms were being tired all the time, terrible headaches through out the day, just an overal feeling of exhaustion reguardless of how long i would sleep or rest.  I didnt' have many physical symptoms though. The bloodwork confirmed everything..i can only recall 1 time during this 2yr period that my iron was acceptable, then dropped. Right now it is still low, and my Dr is going to send me to a hematologist soon. I hope all is well with u and that u will get to the bottom of the situation with ur iron....its  very important. be blessed and have a great weekend. Sorry took so long to respond...plz forgive me.
on 4/2/08 1:18 am - Cincinnati, OH
Mark I have been Anemic for several years and been through 2 blood transfussions.  I take Iron 2 times a day and am still anemic.  Waking in the morning is next to impossible. Tired all the time.  I see 2 different Hemotologist.  Neither can find an answer.  Hand in there, I hope you feel better soon. Amy K
on 4/12/08 3:16 pm
Mark,  I am not a doctor, but did work in the medical profession for over 20 years as a  med tech.  Some of your symptoms sound like thyroid problems.  Being cold all the time is one of them Also no energy is another one.  Go to your PCP and ask him to do thyroid studies and an Iron on you.  Can't hurt anything but the pocket book. Jacqueline

 RNY 1/24/11

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