BELATED 3/14/08 - Daily diet & exercise journal
Yeterday was one of those hectic days where I didn't get to turn on my computer until late in the evening!
I went to the YMCA in the morning as I usually do after I drop Gracie off at preschool (M-W-F). I had a note on the YMCA computer kiosk to stop by the trainer's office and set up an appointment to get my data set up on the new equipment they are getting in a couple of weeks. Well, I went over to do that and asked them when I had the appointment ifthey could add me onto another COUPLE of machines. The trainer that was there said she could do that for me NOW. Well, the short version here is that she added SIX!!! Yikes! after that I had to pop pain pills for my back!
Their computer system is really very cool! You do this circuit that the trainer initially sets you up on by logging into each machine when you sit down. It keeps track of everything you do and gives you a report on your progress! At the end of each month you get a quickie report telling you how much you have burned in calories and how much weight you have lifted. For February my report said something like I burned the calories equivelant to 6.4 hot fudge sundaes with my cardio and lifted an equivilent of 9.8 African Elephants!
Gracie had gymnastics after school and a swim meet in the evening so housekeeping and cooking didn't enter into the equation at all yesterday!
Here's my food intake from what I can remember:
S: S/F L/F Caramel latte
B: a 2% String cheese
L: Small Wnedy's chili with 4 saltines
D: Olive Garden.....I had the Shrimp Primavera (maybe a third of it) but also had a
salad and breadstick dipped in alfredo sauce! Then..... .......we took
dessert home.....and I ate a whole damn serving of Tiramisu around midnight!!!
All I can say is it's a good thing I was planning on getting a whole additional day in at the Y this week as compared to previous weeks! Sad thing is i'd have to do cardio for a couple of hours to get rid of the Tiramisu! I'm going to go look at the nutritional values on the OG website to now to see how bad I truly was......see y'all later!
First 80.5 pounds lost with 3cc's in a 14 ccband now at 7cc's in 14cc band