Ready for these warmer temps!
DS on 11/14/12
Just wanted to say Good Morning and hope everyone can get out and enjoy the weather today! I skipped out of work for a couple hours yesterday and went for a long needed walk in the sunshine! I feel rejuvenated again! Even my tulips are coming up! Cross your fingers that all the white stuff is gone for the year! Have a great day!
yea for warmer weather yes I am so glad & hope the snow & cold is behind us ,My house is done so now I am moving this weekend yea been since Dec because of this nasty weather so now I am so ready for warmer weather ,at school yesterday we took the kids out it felt so good to get out side in the sun ,so everybody enjoy your day
Im so not ready for shorts yet. But I love this weather, Just got back in from my third walk in the sunshine today,.. Yesterday I didnt get one in so I made up for it today!!! It was awesome!!!! Leeann you have a new grandbaby yet??> It was great to see you and your daughter, Lord i hope this is the right poster.. lol
First 80.5 pounds lost with 3cc's in a 14 ccband now at 7cc's in 14cc band