How's Everyone After The Big Snow?
I am going to attempt to get out of the driveway today.
Church was cancelled this morning, even though they got the lot cleared, they figured people would have problems trying to get out of their drives.
I am so looking forward to school tomorrow!! Since the kiddos did not have school Friday, it has been a zoo!!
What is it about the weather that makes them act up so???
Pray everyone is doing fine!!

Start / Current / Goal 267/144.2/145
We didn't even consider going to church last night or this morning because we figured the parking lots would be icy even if they plowed them.
BUT......I'm going out today because I'm the one going bonkers!!
The hubby is acting like a bear in hibernation and has rarely left his recliner all weekend. My daughter is like the Energizer Bunny and just as noisy! I need to go buy more syrups for my coffee and might just take a 3-hour tour through Target while I'm out! I also need to go to the YMCA today and get an hour in so I don't feel like such a bum for not going since Thursday.
Sounds like most of this will be melted of by Wednesday too....maybe next weekend we'll be wearing shorts!

Its easy going up here now. The morons that cleared my Apartment complex piled a bunch of snow ing to 5 parking spots for our building. We have a hard enough time parking without that. I work in covington, so I get a front row view of the river this week. Its pretty high already and 12+ inches of snow, temps in the 50's, and rain will not help matters this week.