3/7/08 - Shake n' Bake!!
Well, my Gracie has experienced her first fender-bender today and she DIDN'T care for it one bit!! She cried bloody murder! Took me a couple of seconds to realize she wasn't hurt but scared! The mommy-mobile didn't stop when it was supposed to and I rear-ended a Ford Expedition in front of me coming down an exit ramp. Was really a small bump but the guys trailer hitch put a hole in my front bumper. Oh well, it's my first reportable in atleast 15 years!
FOOD S: English Toffee Latte (8oz coffee, 8oz 1% milk, 4 Splenda and a shot of reg syrup) B: 1 cup Kashi cereal with a splash of milk L: Toasted square mini-bagel with thin layer of peanut butter, a few chips with salsa D: Chili with a few (4 or 5) crackers S: baked lays (too many I'm sure)
FLUIDS 8oz coffee 8oz milk 20oz water 20oz crystal lite maybe an 8oz hot protein cocoa for dessert
EXERCISE Nothing. I'm hoping to get another day in this weekend though I the YMCA is open Saturday or Sunday.
First 80.5 pounds lost with 3cc's in a 14 ccband now at 7cc's in 14cc band