OT:Heartbreaking news for us.
Today I dropped off Adam's specimen for his SA (semen analysis) since that home sperm test we did 2 weeks ago showed positive for 20 mil or more I had such high hopes for the results today. Now, I just feel so lost. I don't know what to do. When Adam had his vasectomy 6 yrs ago it hurt me so bad. Then when he changed his mind and had the reversal I was so happy. He is a little over 2 months post op on his vasectomy reversal and todays test showed 0. None. My heart hurts so bad right now. I just wanted another baby so badly. I think I'll go find myself a corner somewhere away from Allison and bawl like a big baby cause I can't stop crying. I guess all these symptoms I've been having our just my own stupid wishful thinking. I'm such an idiot. I'm not going to tell Allison tonight that we probably won't be having any more babies. I need to deal with it and grieve myself first. We can't afford IVF unless our insurance would help. So I guess thats it. Congrats to all of u who are and can get pg, u have no idea how lucky u r. Good luck and best wishes to those of u ttc...
Ang im so sorry.........im just lost for words. I know what a blessing it is to have a baby. Even though my husband had a vasectomy when my daughter was 2. I had know idea when i hit 30 i would want another. But i just had to get over the fact,because my hubby really does not want anymore. There are so many people that just don't relize how lucky they are. Plus its so sad that here in Ky that so many babies and children and teens that dont have homes and have to live in foster care. I know that my Samantha is a blessing,but somewhere in the back of my heart i know that i want another one. But the lord will work it out. Im sorry to see that you and you're family are having such trying times. Please take care of yourself. I will call you if you need someone to talk to ok.......
Vickie R.
As a social worker who deals with abused, neglected and unwanted children everyday if you can find a way to allow some in your home they can be such a blessing. On the flip side of that I understand that the idea of fostering is not always an option for everyone.
I tried for many years to get pregnant and now have two and the doctor made me get my tubes tied and I regret it all the time.
I will say a prayer for you and I wish you lots of luck.