Hello all,
I am new here and have decided on the lap bypass. I have chosen Dr. Kehdy and have Anthem Indiana Medicaid and was wondering if anyone has the same and there experience with it.
I have already completed the seminar, the Bariatric packet, the Nutrition eval, the psych eval and have a scheduled surgeon appt. for this coming Monday. I am assuming that I will have to have the routine cardiac and pulmonary work-ups and the abdominal studies as well. The only concern that I am facing is that the nurse that set up the appt. said something about a letter from my doc stating that I have been alcohol, drug and tobacco free for 6-12 months. Well since I have never done any the above that would certainly be no problem normally but as I have only had a PCP for approx. 4 mos. that could pose a problem. Also, I have already determined from my insurance that they pay for all bariatric surgery as it is clearly listed in the "What is Covered" section so that should not be a problem, and when I was completing the packet and called my insurance rep. I was told that there are no pre-requirements for this as long as my doctor refers me. However, after reading through all of these posts I have found that most medicaid was KY and not IN. I do know that there are 3 different kinds of IN medicaid and Anthem is by far the best. Any help and insights would be greatly appreciated.