3/4/08 - Shake 'n Bake!!

It is hard to do...but you will love seeing her enjoy this new world she will be entering! I can remember when I took Aubrey to her first day...it was more traumatic on me than her. She could not understand what all the fuss was about! I think seeing the parents with tears in their eyes as they watched their kids walk to the classrooms for the first time scared her more than anything! She thought the kids were not going to see their parents again and that is why they were sad! It is almost surreal now to see her each day waiting to bring her son into this world and experience those feelings. Wow...did those years fly! Enjoy her until then and once she starts to get into the routine...you will actually start to enjoy that time for yourself and look forward to it!
Good job on the weight loss!
First 80.5 pounds lost with 3cc's in a 14 ccband now at 7cc's in 14cc band
I can actually see her being one of those children who wrap themselves around the parent's leg and refusing to go in on the first day! She kinda did this with pre-school the first week or so. I would go in with her and then once she started to interact and play i'd just slip out without her knowing. I took her with me to register on Wednesday and she didn't want to walk into the library where the parents and staff were filling out the paperwork. I simply looked at her and told her "fine stay out here but I'm going in....hope you don't get lost" Usually that's all it takes since she got lost a few months ago at the Lowe's (talk about being scared straight)!
I'm sure it wouldn't take long for me to fill up my time! I will either go back to work or help my husband with his business doing some of his office work and then do the PTA / Booster-mom thing too. That part of the deal I'm actually looking forward to!