Shameless horn tootin' right here!!
Today I accomplished one of my first goals that I had set for myself! I BOUGHT A COMPLETE OUTFIT IN A REGULAR SIZED STORE!!!!! I was feeling a little clothing deprived this morning.....I wanted a pair of dark wash jeans to wear to church this evening and didn't have any in a size 20W which is what I'm wearing right now. I didn't want to pay the Lane Bryant prices and I knew that the Old Navy sizes go up to a 20 but they wouldn't be PLUS sized (Clarksville used to carry plus sizes in their store but they quit and you can only get them on their website now). I figured their 20's would still be too snug on me but I figured I'd try it anyway thinking i'd either be happy or disgusted when I left. Well, I left VERY HAPPY!
Not only did the 20's fit but they were loose!! The 18's fit pretty good! Not too tight and not baggy in the seat! I got so giddy in the dressing room that I almost cried!! I think the last time I was able to buy regular sized jeans was somewhere around the year 2000! I ended up with two pair of jeans and a shirt off the clearance racks, a third pair of regular priced jeans and a top for Gracie and only spent like 75 dollars! I was floating on air the rest of the day!! Oh yeah......and I finally blew thru that one pound i've been fighting with for a week now! Yeah me!!
I guess LB thought they had a captive clientele? I actually had trouble finding things there this last year since they changed their sizing for jeans. That and their clothes tended to be a little too trendy/flashy for my tastes. Ya know, I bet it won't be that long for you either though! You're ROCKIN' on the weight loss!